RECOLOR: Reviving and enhancing artworks and landscapes of the Adriatic
Eight partners, EUR 2,093,392 in dowry by the European Union and the date of 30 June 2021. These are the highlights of the European project called RECOLOR - Reviving and EnhanCing artwOrks and Landscapes Of the adRiatic. It involves seven other partners between Italians and Croats: Polytechnic of Sebenico, Municipality of Campobasso, Municipality of Cividale del Friuli, Montefeltro Development Scarl, University of Bologna, Municipality of Labin and City of Zara.
RECOLOR is one of the standard projects funded by the 2014-2020 European Territorial Cooperation Programme and its general purpose is increasing the tourist appeal of Italian and Croatian urban and rural landscapes characterized by a significant cultural heritage but located outside the traditional tourist circuits. cultural heritage but located outside the traditional tourist circuits. In particular, the project aims to define new models for enhancing natural and cultural heritage, using innovative methodologies focused on the analysis of figurative artistic sources and the promotion of related cultural itineraries, at the same time promoting a diversification and deseasonalisation of the tourist offer in the territory.
The reference experience is the one developed in Montefeltro where important correspondences have been found with artistic landscapes depicted in important pictorial works of Renaissance Masters such as Piero della Francesca and Leonardo da Vinci, as the Mona Lisa. The research, carried out by the local university, aimed to identify existing artistic landscapes, analyse the paintings representing these landscapes and develop integrated cultural routes. The methodology, used to identify and reconstruct landscapes, was for the first time applied in the analysis of the "places of art" depicted in paintings and the current landscape, and represents an innovative area of research geomorphological and landscape archaeology.
The project aims to combine the protection of the natural landscape with the cultural and tourist promotion of the areas involved, creating an open-air museum that leads visitors on routes within the works of art. Actions will be developed on some very important issues: the management and enhancement of cultural heritage, sustainable and responsible tourism, territorial marketing, networking and sharing supranational strategies.
Among the objectives that we hope to achieve: improving the techniques of management and enhancement of natural and cultural heritage; encourage technological innovation in the field of tourism promotion; To promote the dissemination and knowledge of assets and information from the use of information technology; experiment with new shared management and enjoyment models; increase the appeal and visibility of the territories through the involvement of different targets, foster dialogue, cultural exchanges and cooperation between the different realities involved in the project.
There are also seven pilot actions managed by the different design partners that will see the light of day in the second half of the project and which, although with different objectives and characteristics, will allow the local decline of the tools and models jointly developed.
The "Montefeltro Art Views" project protagonist of the round table of the European project RECOLOR organized by the Emilia-Romagna Region and the University of Bologna – Rimini, May 31st, 2022:
- Press Release - Culture. Nine panoramic balconies to admire the landscapes depicted in the Renaissance paintings by Piero della Francesca and Leonardo Da Vinci - Emilia-Romagna Region (
280.24 KB)
- the press release on Emilia-Romagna Region website (IT)
other material:
- RECOLOR project - newsletter 1
- RECOLOR project - newsletter 2 (
3.58 MB)
- RECOLOR leaflet: EN (
910.23 KB) / HR (
839.15 KB) / IT (
841.2 KB)
- RECOLOR project - newsletter 3 (
258.66 KB)
- RECOLOR project - newsletter 4 (
406.51 KB)
- RECOLOR project - newsletter 5 (
388.48 KB)
- RECOLOR project - newsletter 6 (
503.77 KB)