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Information on the website and credits

This website is one of “Emilia-Romagna Region – European Culture” integrated communication actions curated by the office for Cultural activities abroad.

It was created in 2001 in order to spread and enhance the value of the culture and image of our territory.
It has been re-edited in July 2018 as part of a project by the Emilia-Romagna Regional Government on its web communication.

For any reports on the contents correctness and updating, please contact us at:


Directorate-General Knowledge, Economy, Labour, and Business
Settore digitalizzazione, promozione, comunicazione, liquidazioni
Viale Aldo Moro 44 - 40127 Bologna

Editorial staff
Stefania Santi
tel. +39 051 5273121

Website made in collaboration with:
Settore innovazione digitale, dati, tecnologia, polo archivistico
Web Design and Plone development by RedTurtle

Document Actions

last modified 2024-05-17T14:21:51+01:00
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