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France - At table with the Ariette theatre company

Another performance of the rite-show conceived in the kitchen of the Ariette company’s farm. In Rennes, from November 30 to December 1

In spite of the question mark of the title - Theatre to eat?, in this unusual show one can really eat, sitting down to a set table.

The actors-cooks-peasants narrate their own experience of many years of life in the country and of theatre made out of theatres, among personal memories, information on the food they grow and the ritual of everyday gestures - preparing food, cooking it, bringing the dishes to the table, pouring the wine…

The show Theatre to eat?  was produced in 2000 and had more than nine hundred performances in Italy and Europe.
In Rennes, it is staged within the festival 'Les Banquets', organized by the company Mirelaridaine.

Les Banquets 2018 

Les Banquets

Teatro delle Ariette

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