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United States – “The Magic Count” wins the Indie Fest Film Award

Award of Excellence “Special Purpose Productions” to the film by Marco Melluso and Diego Schiavo

The Magic Count by Marco Melluso and Diego Schiavo tells the story of Count Cesare Mattei and his Rocchetta, and of his dream: to be able to cure and have remedies for everyone.

Inventor of ‘a new science’ –electrohomeopathy– that made him world-famous in the late 19th century, Mattei has been somewhat forgotten and maybe today his fame is related, more than to the scientist, to the magnificent and bizarre residency he left to posterity: the Rocchetta Mattei in Grizzana Morandi, in the Bolognese Apennine.

The film won the Award of Excellence “Special Purpose Productions” of the Indie FEST Film Award . The Jury motivation:
A colourful story, vibrant visuals, social networking, modern graphic and four wacky presenters share the life of Count Mattei and his Rocchetta. Lively, humorous history lesson with engaging hosts, steampunk glam, famous guest stars and the occasional musical number".

In fact, the documentary retraces Count Mattei’s life by mean of an eccentric youtuber looking for stories for his videoblog. Directors Marco Melluso and Diego Schiavo chose a brilliant and contemporary narrative style and made a “docucomedy” –as they like to define it– combining historical accuracy and interest in the artistic and cultural heritage of Emilia-Romagna.

The Magic Count – starring Ivano Marescotti, Eraldo Turra and Luciano Manzalini comic duo, Roberta Giallo, and Antonio Pisu – was produced by Bologna based Genoma Films, with the support by Emilia-Romagna Film Commission.

Now the documentary has been selected in the Brazil International Monthly Independent Film Festival, with nominations in two categories: "Best Documentary" and "Best Director of Documentary”.

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