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#laculturanonsiferma. “Classics Lessons" with the festivalfilosofia

Eminent Italian and foreign scholars present the great works of the history of philosophy

The festivalfilosofia is an event that every year changes the face of the cities of Modena, Carpi, and Sassuolo for three days, setting up open, common and widespread spaces for education and conversation. In each edition, fifty lectio magistralis by protagonists of the Italian and international cultural scene articulate a keyword referring to fundamental questions of the philosophical discussion and to crucial experiences of the contemporary condition.

In this time of the lockdown and the Coronavirus crisis, the festivalfilosofia chooses to highlight in its online archive a path through the lessons dedicated to the classics of philosophy, with the aim of reaching schools and universities and make this playlist a useful tool for distance learning.

From the ancient to the contemporary, 20 lessons of eminent Italian and foreign scholars, selected among the lectures of the last ten years of festivalfilosofia, reconstruct contexts and concepts of essential works in the history of philosophy.

Thanks to the collaboration of the Emilia-Romagna Region and Lepida Tv, this path of "philosophical education" –a tool for study, but also for life, as the Festival underlines–  is now available to both students and all enthusiasts: from April 7th to 26th, the "Classics Lessons" are broadcast on Lepida TV every day from 12 o'clock to 01:00 p.m. (website, YouTube channel, channel 118 of Emilia-Romagna DT, channel 5118 of Sky).

The 20 lessons are already available online on the festivalfilosofia website, also offering other thematic video and audio "lessons".

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