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Switzerland - Mariangela Gualtieri at the 19th Week of the Italian Language in the World

The performance “Bello Mondo” on stage in Geneva on November 1st

Mariangela Gualtieri is the playwright and co-founder, with director Cesare Ronconi, of Teatro Valdoca theatre company of Cesena.

She is known for her work on “the oral delivery of poetry”, with particular attention to the voice amplification and the relationship between poetic verse and live music.
She likes to call her recital ‘Rito sonoro’ (sonorous rite) as she aims to retrieve the tense and inspired listening of the writing process, and to do so together with the audience.

Her performance Bello Mondo is composed with verses from her poetry collections, from Le giovani parole (Einaudi, 2015) back to Fuoco Centrale (Einaudi, 2003), thus venturing furthermore in the ‘oral’ energy of poetry, confiding that this is an ancient, current way for the comprehension of and the compassion for the world.

Bello mondo is staged within the events of the 19th edition of the Week of the Italian Language in the World organized by the Consulate General of Italy and the Dante Alighieri Society in Geneva.

The appointment is at the Eglise Saint Germain on November 1st.

Moreover, Mariangela meets the students of the Unitè de langue et culture italiennes of the University of Geneva on October 31st.


Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo 

Consulate General of Italy in Geneva

Teatro Valdoca

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