#WeAreItaly with Andy Luotto and Casa Artusi
Imagine so many chefs like an orchestra. The scores are those by two greats: Pellegrino Artusi and Gioachino Rossini. The first "orchestrates" the recipes, the second marks the rhythm in time to the music. The whole thing is conducted by a sui generis chef, Andy Luotto, Honorary ‘Marietta’ Award 2014.
Andy Luotto participates in the #WeAreItaly project of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation with a video that, over the overwhelming crescendo of Rossini's La gazza ladra, tells the world the "beautiful and good" of Italy at the table, in the name of Pellegrino Artusi, in the year of the bicentenary of his birth.
«When they proposed me this project, I wondered from where to start to tell the beauty of our country» says Luotto. «My thought went to Pellegrino Artusi, who guided everyone, better than anyone else, in the most complete journey through Italian cuisine, and to Gioachino Rossini, the most popular, enjoyable, and elegant Italian composer. They both gave happiness to the whole world».
Andy Luotto has involved leading names of haute cuisine (and not only), all willing to share this initiative by sending a "homemade" video: Iginio Massari, Gianfranco Pascucci, Alfonso Jaccarino, Claudio Sadler, Igles Corelli, Pietro Lehman, Fabio Campoli, Bruno Barbieri, Giorgione, Alessandro Ceci, Marisa Laurito, Antonella Ricci, Vinod Sookar, Federico Quaranta, Marco Valletta, Pasqualino Rossi, Nicola Savino, Beppe Salmeri, Berardino Lombardo, Lucio Pompili, Giuseppe del Sesto, Dino de Bellis, Rita Russino, Paolo Bertelli, Pietro Ratti, Giuseppe Demonte, Fabrizio Nonis, Michele di Carlo, Alessandro Cretella, Carlotta Ricciardelli, Maurizio Di Dio, Marco Fabbri, Antonio Coli', Giovanni Crippa, Adriana De Lorenzis.
The video is made in co-operation with Emilia-Romagna Region and Casa Artusi. Francesco Paglioli curated the editing via WhatsApp, the artistic-musical consultancy is by Maestro Natascia Chiarlo, the editorial coordination by Maria Cristina Turchi, responsible for Emilia-Romagna Region Office for cultural activities abroad.
Four days of passion and creativity produced this peculiar dream by Luotto-Artusi, who asked the two Masters permission to involve them with a heartfelt and funny letter.
Watch the video on the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Facebook and web site pages dedicated to #WeAreItaly, and on Casa Artusi’s YouTube channel ArtusiCento.