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Spain – ERT and Pippo Delbono at the FITT - Festival Internacional de Teatre de Tarragona

On August 28 the show ‘Joy’ opens the 11th edition of the Festival.

The 11th edition of the FITT – the international theatre festival of Tarragona dedicated to new dramaturgy, takes place from August 28 to 31. Four days of performances, also staged in symbolic and historic places of the city, and musical and convivial nights in company with national and international artists.

The opening show of the 2024 edition is Joy by Pippo Delbono, on stage at the Teatre de Tarragona on August 28 (8 pm).

Applauded on many international stages, Joy is a performance full of poetry, very powerful images and suggestions, as usual in Delbono's works. It is the depiction of a "path towards joy", an emotion that, as the author explains, you discover after having experienced extreme feelings, from pain to happiness itself.

The show is presented at the FITT with the support of the Italian Cultural Institute in Barcelona, one of the festival’s institutional partners.


FITT - Noves Dramatúrgies

Emilia Romagna Teatro ERT / Teatro Nazionale

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last modified 2024-08-21T16:49:10+02:00
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