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“Inside. A True Story, If You Think So” by Giuliana Musso on tour in the United States

The performance is guest of the Universities of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Ohio. March 13 to 25.

Actress, researcher, author, director, awarded several times for her work – Giuliana Musso is one of the finest exponents of narrative and investigative theatre, a theater that lies on the edge of investigative journalism, both investigation and poetry, denunciation and comedy.

Giuliana Musso is one of the artists produced and distributed by La Corte Ospitale in Rubiera (Reggio Emilia), theatre production centre attentive to contemporary dramaturgy and new languages and Residency Centre of Emilia-Romagna together with L’arboreto in Mondaino (Rimini).

In March Giuliana Musso will be in the United States for the first time. From March 13 to 25 she will be in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Ohio, thanks to the invitation from the American Association for Italian Studies and to Juliet Guzzetta, associate professor at Michigan State University, American translator of the text of DENTRO, the show Giuliana Musso presents in her American debut – a text that has received several recognitions and mentions in Italy and Europe and that has also been translated into French.

Inside. A True Story, If You Think So is a work about concealing violence, a true story of child abuse: “An experience that is hard to listen to”, writes the author, who stages her encounter with a woman and her secret story. “A mother who discovers the worst of truths. A daughter who hates her mother. A father who is innocent until proven guilty. And a slew of therapists, consultants, educators, doctors, social assistants, lawyers who aren’t interested in the truth”.

The performance will be guest in Philadelphia of the Penn Live Arts of the University of Pennsylvania on March 13, 14 and 15; of the Wharton Center for Performing Arts of the Michigan State University in East Lansing on March 20; and lastly of the Wexner Center for the Arts of the Ohio State University in Columbus on March 24 and 25, two performances that will be followed by a talk with the audience.

The tour has the support of the Italian Ministry of culture (MiC), Emilia-Romagna Region and ATER Fondazione.


Penn Live Arts - University of Pennsylvania

Wharton Center for Performing Arts - Michigan State University

Wexner Center for the Arts - Ohio State University

La Corte Ospitale

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