Spanish premiere of "The Wolf Wilder" by Teatro Gioco Vita at Teatralia Festival
The Teatralia Festival 2025 is in full swing in Madrid and in twenty-three towns of its Community (March 7 to 30).
In this 29th edition, the festival presents the works by twenty-seven companies from France, Italy, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Denmark, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, and Spain, with a large variety of disciplines, techniques, themes, and styles.
Teatro Gioco Vita, guest of Teatralia also in the last edition, returns to the festival presenting a new production: The Wolf Wilder, a show of shadow theatre and actors based on the book by awarded English author Katherine Rundell.
An adventure through snowy forests and icy plains about courage, friendship, trust, youngsters and children who dare to defy authority to change matters, re-acquiring their freedom just like the wolves. Learning to listen to nature, to get to know it and respect it is the leitmotif throughout the show.
The Wolf Wilder is staged for the first time in Spain – and in Spanish language, with the title: La chica de los lobos.
Three performances are scheduled: on March 14 and 15 in Madrid (Teatros del Canal, 11 pm and 6.30 pm), on March 16 in San Lorenzo de El Escorial (Real Coliseo de Carlos III, 5 pm).
Teatralia - Festival Internacional de Artes Escénicas para todos los públicos