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Teatro Due Mondi on tour in Poland

The shows 'Wall cracks" and "Fiesta" in Łomża, Hajnówka, Kalisz, Zamość, and Temeszów. June 7-25

In June Teatro Due Mondi is on tour in Poland, the second stage of a long European tour that began in Germany last May 11, at the Straßentheater-Spektakel Festival in Zweibrücken, and will continue until September also in other Countries.

In Poland, the company stages Wall cracks and the historic Fiesta.
These are two shows that well represent Teatro Due Mondi’s artistic research for the construction of a ‘cultured’ and ‘popular’ theatre, rooted in tradition but capable of speaking a universal language – creations that, as in the case of Fiesta, fascinate audiences of all ages, arousing curiosity and wonder with stilts, masks, coloured costumes and Italian popular songs, or, as with Wall cracks, carry an ethical message on strong issues concerning contemporary society such as hospitality, mutual respect, civility, managing to involve the public beyond cultural differences.

The tour starts in Łomża, where the company performs both shows at the 37th WALIZKA International Theater Festival: Wall cracks (June 7) and Fiesta (June 8).

A few days later, Fiesta will liven up the streets of Hajnówka (June 12) and then those of Kalisz: the international street arts festival LA STRADA (Międzynarodowy Festiwal Artystycznych Działań Ulicznych LA STRADA) hosts Fiesta (June 14) and also the show Wall cracks (June 15).

Teatro Due Mondi will be then in Zamość, at the Zamość Theatre Summer festival (Zamojskie Lato Teatralne), where they present Fiesta (June 23).

The closing stage is Temeszów, where Fiesta is part of the festival Summer Art Sojourn (Letnia Gościna Artystyczna) (June 25).

The tour is Poland is made with the support of the Italian Cultural Institutes in Krakow and Warsaw.


WALIZKA International Theater Festival

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Artystycznych Działań Ulicznych LA STRADA  

Letnia Gościna Artystyczna

Zamość Theatre Summer

Teatro Due Mondi

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