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Kosovo – ERT and Pippo Delbono at the Prizren Fest

The show "Joy" on stage in Prizren on July 24.

After more than a hundred performances in countries all over the world, the show Joy by Pippo Delbono produced by ERT Emilia Romagna Teatro, reaches Kosovo: it will be guest of the Prizren Fest – international theatre festival which annually brings artists from all over Europe into the historical and cultural centre of the Country.

The show is on stage on July 24 (9 pm, Kino Lumbardhi) and is presented with the support of the Italian Cultural Institute in Tirana in co-operation with the Embassy of Italy in Kosovo.

«This Joy or, as I call it A Path Towards Joy, is a performance which walks through pain, proceeding and fighting in search of that joy. As it always happens in my theatre works, I tell the audience about this path», Delbono explains in his director's notes.

The actors go up on stage, one by one. Taking the audience by hand, each in his own way, they make of each one a travel companion, a part of this endless search. Personal stories, masks, clowneries, memories, all fleeting images of people -humans- looking for joy. Every performance is a single stage of a journey that never stops, just like the kaleidoscopic wheel of feelings and images – each night is a surprise, to the rhythm of this company, on the path of this never-ending search for joy.

Joy will have a new internation stage in Spain on August 28, at the FITT - Festival Internacional de Teatre de Tarragona.


Prizren Fest Open Air International Theatre Festival

Emilia Romagna Teatro ERT / Teatro Nazionale

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last modified 2024-07-18T14:31:35+02:00
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