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Focus on Arte e Salute theatre company

Until July 20, three performances by Nanni Garella’s theatre company on ERT website

Emilia Romagna Teatro pays homage to the Compagnia Arte e Salute publishing in ERTonAIR channel of its website three performance of the out-of-the-ordinary theatre company under the direction of Nanni Garella: Fantasmi by Luigi Pirandello, Li buffoni by Margherita Costa, and A piacer vostro (As You Like It) by William Shakespeare.

Work and community: these are the cornerstones on which Nanni Garella based his more than twenty years experience with psychiatric patients in the Mental Health Department of Bologna, aiming at giving life to a theatre company of professional actors. A project characterized by a vision of psychiatric care not only as a medical treatment but also as a constant attention to the subjectiveness of persons, in order to discover their attitudes, talent, unexpressed abilities and offer them an occasion of studying and a possibility of working.

From this desire, at first a training course was born, a sort of ‘academy’ directed by Garella -actor and director who has worked, among the many, with Aldo Trionfo and Massimo Castri- with the support and collaboration by other teachers and doctors of the Mental Health Department of Bologna, later, the theatre company Arte e Salute, with the student graduated from the course.

Since 2000, the company has created more than 25 productions, shows in which the patients-actors have often performed together with established players of Italian scene.

An unparalleled work in Italy which has also crossed the national border, with many tours abroad, from Barcelona and Beijing in 2015 to Japan in 2018, where Peter Weiss’s Marat-Sade was staged.

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