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Romania – World premiere of Pippo Delbono's new work

'Awakening' on stage at the FITS - Sibiu International Theater Festival. June 21-22

The Sibiu International Theater Festival – one of the most important in the world – will host the world premiere of Pippo Delbono's new work Awakening, on stage on the opening day, June 21st (and on the 22nd), at the Faust Hall.

The show is produced by Emilia Romagna Teatro ERT with various Italian and European theatres and production centres, including the Festival itself and the ‘Radu Stanca’ National Theatre in Sibiu. The ‘Mihai Eminescu’ National Theatre in Timisoara and the Italian Cultural Institute in Bucharest are other Romanian partners.

Awakening is rooted in a personal experience and then unfolds in a feeling of loss that concerns many. A feeling that demands to be healed, but that only a gesture of solitary rebellion can cure, starting from the acknowledgement of a fragility that is mirrored by the performance. It is a show about our many falls and many rises, dedicated to all those who fell asleep and have then reawakened.

For the first time the play lacks the presence of texts written by the authors Pippo Delbono has loved, there are only his own words, the stories and poems he has been writing for some time. These words allow him to say a new truth, to narrate himself in his own weaknesses, fears, hopes.

A few essential elements on set, that shift dramatically the space, lead the eye beyond the things one can see. Heartrending notes that play laments of love and tenderness lead the actors in a dance, a ritual. On the notes of the virtuoso cellist Giovanni Ricciardi, on stage with his instrument, and music pieces that hail from the memory of the ‘70s, Delbono repeats: “You must dance, dance in war”.


FITS - Festivalul Internațional de Teatru Sibiu

Emilia Romagna Teatro ERT / Teatro Nazionale

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last modified 2024-06-24T13:29:43+02:00
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