“Walking within the walls of the city. Ferrara by Giorgio Bassani”

Giorgio Bassani (Bologna, 4 March, 1916 – Rome, 13 April, 2000) has been an international ”free intellectual”, but his tie to Ferrara is essential. The town where he spent his childhood and adolescence and where he wanted to be buried, lived forever in his hearth and became the scene of his literary works.
The exhibition Walking within the walls of the city. Ferrara by Giorgio Bassani (Ein Spazierengang durch die inner Stadt. Das Ferrara von Giorgio Bassani) has been produced on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth by the Italian Cultural Institute in Berlin with the Department for Culture of Emilia-Romagna Region and the Municipality of Ferrara, in collaboration with the Giorgio Bassani Foundation, the MEIS - National Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah and under the patronage of the Italian National Commitee for the Celebration of the anniversary.
Amongst images from the past and present days and words from Bassani’s works, the exhibition follows the author in an imaginary walk within the walls, where the places of the real city are mixed with those of the works of fiction, drawing a map that a tourist visiting Ferrara today can still follows.
The exhibit can be accompanied with conferences on the UNESCO World Heritage city, its territory, its cultural and tourist attractions, with a virtual tour in Ferrara and tasting of typical products.