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Hungary – ERT with Theodoros Terzopoulos at the MITEM International Theatre Festival

“Waiting for Godot” on stage at the National Theatre in Budapest on April 10

The 11th edition of the MITEM International Theatre Festival opened at the National Theatre in Budapest on April 6. For three weeks, the festival for professional and theatre-lovers, which takes place in every spring, will host the latest outstanding international theatre productions.

Among the guest shows of this edition, Samuel Beckett's masterpiece Waiting for Godot directed by Greek maestro Theodoros Terzopoulos and produced by ERT Emilia Romagna Teatro.

In the hands of Terzopoulos, the great Beckettian classic becomes one lens to decipher the Other who, inside and outside of us, summons opposites: animal longing and divine tension, madness and dream, delirium and nightmare.

On stage, a cast of extraordinary actors: Paolo Musio, Stefano Randisi, Enzo Vetrano, and young Giulio Germano Cervi and Rocco Ancarola.

«Our performance of Waiting for Godot is set on “the ruins of the world”, in a future more or less close to us, where all the present and the past wounds will be kept open. The same for the expectations… – says Terzopoulos – At this borderline of human existence, what are the minimum possible conditions for restarting life, a life that is worth living?».

A captivating visual and sound dramaturgy for a show that questions our own humanity and that critics has defined “an impeccable setting up of Beckett that moves and dismays”.

Waiting for Godot will be staged at the National Theatre in Budapest on April 10 (7 pm).


MITEM International Theatre Festival

ERT Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione / Teatro Nazionale

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