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France – "Athletes" by Simona Bertozzi

The performance on stage in Paris on June 27 within «Passions Olympiques», the special programme by the Italian Cultural Institute.

On the occasion of the 2024 Olympic Games, the Italian Cultural Institute in Paris proposes a special programme that develops over five months (from May 15 to September 11): «Passions Olympiques», a cycle of theatre and dance shows, concerts, screenings, meetings, and exhibitions which explores the relationship between different artistic disciplines and sport – two domains in which the body has a central role.

Simona Bertozzi takes part with Athletes, a choral performance inspired by the famous mosaic from the fourth-century Villa Romana del Casale in Piazza Armerina (Enna) that depicts young sportswomen in two-piece dresses – one of the very rare representations of female competitiveness in antiquity.

Just as the mosaic shows ten women each engaged in a different activity, the show Athletes brings together an eclectic group of dancers, sportswomen and former competitive champions and makes them interact with women of all ages and backgrounds.

Athletes is on stage at the Hôtel de Galliffet on June 27, scheduled at 7 pm and at 8:30 pm.


«Passions Olympiques»

Italian Cultural Institute in Paris

Compagnia Simona Bertozzi / Associazione Culturale Nexus

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last modified 2024-06-26T12:59:01+02:00
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