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Teatro Nucleo on tour in Argentina

From September 12 to 23 in Buenos Aires, Santiago del Estero and Pergamino, the performances by Horacio and Natasha Czertok and activities of the project on Michelangelo Antonioni.

From September 12 to 28, Teatro Nucleo is in Argentina, on a tour during which they not only perform Contra Gigantes by Horacio Czertok and Kashimashi by Natasha Czertok, but also carry on activities of a project dedicated to great director from Ferrara Michelangelo Antonioni.

There is a fil rouge linking Antonioni, Ferrara, and Argentina: the script of Antonioni's Blowup – one of his most famous films – was inspired by the short story "Las babas del diablo" (The Devil's Drool) by Argentinian writer Julio Cortázar. And it is just from the Julio Cortàzar theatre in Pontelagoscuro - Ferrara that the project Michelangelo Antonioni: the revolution of the view starts from Ferrara was launched. The theatre is Teatro Nucleo’s home, founded by Argentinian Horacio Czertok and Cora Herrendorf (recently passed away), and the project is promoted by the Municipality of Ferrara with the support, among others, of Emilia-Romagna Region.

After an in-depth webinar on the themes addressed by the director in his films – broadcasted in Argentina last June and curated by professors from the University of Ferrara –, from September 12 to 14 Natasha Czertok (Teatro Nucleo) and Tommaso Gradi (Regione Emilia-Romagna) are guests of the Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero, where they will hold a seminar on art, psychology, and sociology at the Facultad de Humanidades, Ciencias Sociales y de la Salud: The Antonioni view between art, introspection and urban environment.

On September 17, they are in Pergamino, in the province of Buenos Aires, where they will introduce the project at the Micro Teatro Pergamino.

From September 18 to 21, in Buenos Aires, Natasha Czertok will hold the theatre and video performance workshop "Paisajes con figuras" (Landscapes with figures), focused on Antonioni’s images and themes, in collaboration with Grupo de Teatro Callejero La Runfla and the videomaker Sebastian Pessacq.

To 'lively tell' Teatro Nucleo’s dramaturgical and acting practice, Horacio Czertok will be on stage in four performances of Contra Gigantes – the monologue from his celebrated and awarded show Quijote!: on September 13 in Santiago del Estero, on September 17 in Pergamino, on September 19 and 22 in Buenos Aires.

Natasha Czertok will be on stage, too: on September 23, in Buenos Aires, she performs Kashimashi, a "private bestiary" that represents, with a good dose of self-irony, the stereotypes in which we recognize ourselves or which we reject or which we feel forced in.

Teatro Nucleo

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