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Denmark – Pippo Delbono at the Waves Festival 2023

The show “Joy” on stage in Vordingborg on August 20 and 21

The Waves Festival is a festival of performing arts taking place in Vordingborg every second year which presents the latest and most innovative works at an international level in the various disciplines –theatre, dance, performance, new circus, interdisciplinary forms of expression–, besides dedicating a specific programme to national productions.

The 2023 edition takes place from August 20 to 26, and the opening show, on August 20, will be Joy by Pippo Delbono, scheduled also on August 21 (7:30 pm, at Vordingborg Teater).

In his works, Delbono creates imaginaries by antithesis, contrasts of sensations, figures, emotions, music: and so it is for Joy – a festive word which, however, as the director himself explains, is scary, because it is over-used, exploited, trivialized. “To stage a piece on joy means going through extreme sentiments –angst, happiness, pain, enthusiasm”.

The actors, each with their own different feeling, take the audience by the hand and make them a traveling companion. Personal stories, masks, dances, clowning, music, memories, cascades of flowers: j oy is celebrated in all its fragility and evanescence and the performance becomes a journey, a common search, an “attempt” as Delbono defines it, “to try to find, at last, in an instant, the explosion of joy”.

The tour is organized with the co-operation of the Italian Cultural Institute in Copenhagen.


Waves Festival

ERT – Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione

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