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Streaming of “verso Paradiso”

The 33 cantos of “Paradiso” from dusk to dawn. Happening by Marco Martinelli and Ermanna Montanari with actresses and actors from Ravenna. From June 25, on

Marco Martinelli and Ermanna Montanari have come up with an act of hope for 2021, the year of the 700th anniversary of Dante Alighieri’s death: their verso Paradiso (Towards Paradiso) is a one-night happening, from dusk to dawn, featuring the integral reading of the thirty-three Cantos of Paradiso by all the actors of their own company, Le Albe, and the actresses and the actors who work in Ravenna.

Between one Canto and the other, and interweaved with the reading, music and improvisations curated by Luigi Ceccarelli live performed by an ensemble (electric guitar, double bass, flutes, live electronics) and the voice of Mirella Mastronardi for Gregorian, Aramaic, and Persian chants.

An appointment of the Ravenna Festival “Dedicated to Dante” also live streamed on on June, 25, starting at 08.30 pm (available on demand until July, 27).

“How could we celebrate Dante Alighieri on this 700th anniversary – Teatro delle Albe director and dramatist Marco Martinelli wonders –, if the word “celebrate” in its origin does not mean monuments and flags, on the contrary it means crowding together, joyful cramming of bodies, and we can’t do it in these times? Just postponing was not enough for us, we wanted a sign showing the new direction”.

In fact, verso Paradiso points to their Cantiere Dante, to return in 2022 with the staging of Paradiso once again with all the citizens of the Public Call. The challenge of turning the Comedy into theatre – the widespread and shared theatre already had in 2017 with Inferno and in 2019 with Purgatorio – goes on.

verso Paradiso 
is divided into three parts:

first part
from 8.00 pm to 11.00 pm (Canti 1 – 11)

intermission 30’

second part
from 11.30 pm to 2.00 am (Canti 12 – 22)

intermission 30’

third part
from 2.30 am to 5.00 am (Canti 23 – 33)

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